What is Higher Ground?
Higher Ground is a 72-hour experience beginning on Thursday evening and ending Sunday afternoon. It is a non-denominational, lay-led Christian ministry but does have ordained clergy available for spiritual counsel and ministerial leadership. There is a five-person Board of Directors, elected by the Higher Ground family, who set guidelines and give direction for the weekend experience. Most who attend the weekend experience come away refreshed and admit it is a life-changing experience. Their faith has become bolder and they are challenged to become more involved in serving the Lord through the local church and the Christian community at large.
Where and When are the Weekend Experiences?
Experiences are currently being held at the "House of Blessings" located one mile past Onyx Cave in Eureka Springs, AR. The facility will only accommodate 24 pilgrims. Your sponsor is responsible for transporting you to and from the facility. We prefer that the Pilgrims not take their own vehicles. Higher Ground is presently conducting six weekend experience a year: two in the spring (one men's and one women's), two in the summer and two in the fall.
Who May Attend?
The weekend experience, as presently formatted, is for adults 18 years of age and up. It is designed for men only, followed two weeks later for women only. There are men and women at each experience working in different capacities, however there is segregation of the sexes during the main conference time (except for male clergy present at the women's). There is a requirement of sponsorship by one who has previously attended a weekend experience. Attendees are referred to as "Pilgrims".
What is the Cost?
The total cost for the weekend is $150, which includes a $30 deposit when application is made. If more applications are received than the center can accommodate, applications are carried over and placed first on the list of the next scheduled weekend experience. If you are unable to come up with all of the funds needed, we do have some sponsorships available.